VOIP Business Telephony

VOIP Business Telephony

We offer a complete Unified Communications solution with advanced features. You can install in your own cloud account and retain control of your PBX. This is a flexible IP-PBX suitable for any industry.

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Features and Capabilities

Features and Capabilities

Unified Communications

Unified Communications and Collaboration offer a browser based meeting environment with end-to-end encrypted audio and video conferencing, business-class slideshow presentation, document sharing, text chat, and tools to take business meetings to the next level.

Customer Experience and Contact Center

Delivering a unified and personalized customer experience that enables your business to handle all types of customer interactions more efficiently. Each system is custom built and configured according to the technical, administrational, and regulatory requirements.

Video Conferencing

Enables businesses to save time and money by hosting virtual meetings, whilst enjoying the benefits of face-to-face communication. Video conferencing can be used for a wide variety of everyday communication needs to boost productivity and efficiency.


Features VoIP clients for Android and iOS, Soft Clients for Windows and Mac to clientless web conferencing and the integrated web client which allow you to take your office extension with you anywhere. Answer calls via the office phone extension and transfer to colleagues without asking customers to call another number.


Virtual PBX offers outstanding benefits to the voice provider and their customer. Functionality includes features such as conference calls, call-forking, group-calls, voice-mail, IVR, and UCC integration. A fully integrated fixed-mobile convergence solution ensures the seamless operation and handover between Wi-Fi, GSM/mobile and fixed line voice networks.

Multi-Site System

Simplified VoIP communication management of converged voice and data for multi-branch operations with varied telephony interfaces and infrastructure.